Contact Us On: 0429 649 226

Proper Way Offers

Proper Way offers:

  • Proper localised and meaningful consultation to ascertain whether a project is needed and welcomed by the community and, where this is the case, to ensure there is 'buy in' by the local people. If there is a recognised need and local 'buy in', the project has the best chance of success.
  • Proper evaluation of projects from the perspective of both the funders and the local community.
  • Proper 'how to' discussions and workshops so that time is not wasted getting it wrong, not being heard, offending people and just getting it off to a good start. This includes personalised community liaison where applicable and needed.

Proper Way is also happy to look at evaluations and governance of non Indigenous programs and projects, although the rural and remote sectors are the primary focus.

Proper Way Checklist

Click here to download your copy of the ‘Proper Way’ Checklist for engaging a consultancy in Remote Australian regions, to ensure you have ticked all the important boxes when selecting a provider.